miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012


  • Hardware->  physical components.
  • Software-> programs in the computer
                           word processor,internet...
  • Switch on/ turn on/ boot-up
  • Conversation-chat-(room)
  • Download -> song -->  file
  • Folder->  archive
  • Hard copy-> physical document.
  • Soft copy-> saved document on the computer.
  • Desk top-> home screen.--> internet-homescreen
  • Save document-> memory.
  • Hard drive-> (memory storage)-disco duro
  • Windows
  • Link -> (icon)-> little pictures you click on to go on to another webpage/ to access         documents-my documents= little folder.
  • Spreadsheet
  • Crash-> freeze/frozen // (VIRUS)-> glitch.-> reset( si el ordenador se te apaga por un virus y quieres qe te vuelva a funcionar tienes que reset= formatear/resetear)
  • Anti-virus-> program to protect your computer. Elminate the virus.
  • Firewall
  • Sarch engine-> google, yahoo...
  • Search/ browse-> to look around the internet.
  • Window-> browser-> webpage
  • Easy to use-> user-friendly. 
  • Download->  get someting off og the computer
  • Upload-> put somethig on the computer.
  • Inicialise-> font

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